The fact that you consider His manifestation of gray hair as “decay” and not simply the Lord displaying a transcendental body, is confusing to me.
The Lord’s body is transcendental even if it appears to have white hair.
Regardless of the Lord’s body appearance, it is a transcendental youthful body.
The illusion is seeing the white as ordinary human aging instead of accepting that the Lord can manifest beards no beards, age or no age, and forever still the truth of the transcendental nature of that body stands true.
That’s what I’m saying. Even if the hair is white and appears “old” it is not decay and instead another display of His Transcendental body.
You can’t tell God that He can not have white hair or beards or anything else.
We have no power over the Supreme Lord and His decisions and incarnations.
Never put God in a box and state what He can and can not do or how He can appear or not appear.
He can DO WHAT HE WANTS regardless of the petty debates of the humans.
Em Nitya Navadvipa sempre jovem. Aqui, poderá ser jovem (Parivaras), ou "externamente" aparentar "envelhecer" porque é o membro mais velho (outras linhas).
Temos o exemplo:
O corpo de Krsna foi "ferido" pelas flechas de Bhismadeva e saia "sangue".
Ora, como o corpo transcendental de Krsna pode ser ferido de sair sangue?
Krsna quis executar este passatempo.
Parivaras and even GM show Advaita Acarya always young.
It is only at Iskcon that Advaita Acarya is presented with white hair and beard simply to show that He is the oldest member of Panca Tattva.
This does not mean that Advaita Acarya's transcendental body "grows old", just as Krsna's transcendental body is not hurt when blood comes out of the wounds made by Bhismadeva's arrows.
There are just different ways of looking at it.
Estes que argumentaram com você na IGM são ignorantes de seus próprios manuais de adoração.
Nos manuais de adoração da IGM é ensinado a meditar no guru como sempre jovem.