हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे || हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे


terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2024

Matua Mahasangha


Around 1860, Dalits or Candalas or Namasudras, considered untouchable by the racist Caste system, created their own movement in Bengala, the Matua Mahasangha.

They chant in glorification of Radha Krsna. And they chant Haribol.

Matua Mahasangha believes in Svayam Diksita ("Self-Realisation") through the chanting of Harinama, chanting the Holy name of Hari.

And they consider their founder Haricandana to be an incarnation of Hari.

Furthermore they have many songs against the racist Caste system.

Their Kirtana are different from the classical songs of the Bhadraloka.

Their songs are Chotoloka — songs with no Raga or Gauracandrikas; songs for the people who wanted to break free from the shackles of the caste system and liberate themselves from the Upper-Caste suppression.


Ramesh Das Baba
I'm remember like 30 years ago the group of Haricandana , almost every day they did Nagar Sankirtan with only chanting Hari Bol and sometimes Mahamantra .Srila Bhakti Pramod Puri Maharaja he was in his room in Mayapur writing or sometimes chanting and suddenly all the group enter with drums and mridangainside the room., how was the reaction of His Divine Grace ? He tey to pay Pranams one by one member of this group and for a little while they stop the Kirtan just to request Guru Maharaja for Kripa , almost every day they came and many if them crying just to see Him. For the day of the Samadhi they came and did Jh

They did Krtan and sadly crying and crying in the moment when we put the holy body of Srila Bhakti Pramod Puri Maharaja ( Srila Bhakti Sarvasya Govinda Maharaja leading the ceremony , myself ,Vamsi Prabhu the artist and Sripad Vishnu Das


they are not followers of Siva. They dance like this because they want to break the racist caste system. Furthermore, this vigorous dance is synonymous with their dedication to Kirtana. Made with Utsaha, enthusiasm.


If they follow Srila Prabhupada that's great. But if they don't follow, that's also great. Why do we have to force others to follow our Guru? I was once a fanatic like that. May everyone follow the path that makes them feel good and happy.


they are not Saivas.

They want to follow Varnasrama Dharma. What they are against is the Varnas being established by birth.

Yes, Sastra mentions birth. But Sastra also says that Guna is the most important thing.

You put two children, no matter what their birth, in the same school and they get the same opportunity to learn. That is how it should be.


Yes, there are several "Apasampradayas" or Folk Sects in Bengala.

All of them have some deviation. In the Matua Mahasangha they consider their founder to be an incarnation of Hari. This is their deviation.

But at the same time the Matua Mahasangha has something in common with Iskcon and Gaudiya Matha, which is the rejection of the Varnas being established by birth.

Moreover, Iskcon and Gaudiya Matha are considered "deviations" by "traditional" Gaudiya Vaisnavism.

Welcome to the "peaceful and harmonious" world of religions where only we are right and everyone else is wrong.

When I was younger I was more fanatical and wanted everyone to follow my path.

Today I am very liberal and open. I follow my path in Gaudiya Vaisnavism. As far as I am concerned, people can follow whatever they want as long as they are happy.


Understanding perceptions of hair loss in hijab-wearing women: a pilot survey study.
Having your hair covered all the time is not healthy.

Matua women wear their hair tied up, but sometimes, especially during Kirtanas, they leave it loose. No problem.

We must remember that this is a protest movement against exploitation.

I have seen much wilder Kirtanas than this at Iskcon and Gaudiya Matha. Everyone is in a "transe."
In fact, this is the goal. A constant "transe," 24 hours of Krsna Consciousness through chanting. Those who are in this state are fortunate.
