It is the instruction of Śrī Rāmānujācārya to never speak publicly about the flaws of any vaiṣṇava.
He says in the Prapannāmṛtam:
vaiṣṇavānāṁ ca janmāni
nidrālasyāni yāni ca
dṛṣṭvā tāny aprakāśyāni
janebhyo na vadet kvacit
"Birth in a low-class family, oversleeping, laziness, and whatever other faults present in vaiṣṇavas should never be revealed to a second person. One should especially never disclose such things publicly."
(Prapannāmṛtam, 65.50) by Hari Parsada Dasa
Desde que estes actos não influenciem a vida de ninguém, sim. Mas se forem actos criminosos devem ser revelados e denunciados.