Vimuktasanga Das:
"Most devotees like to see things in an Absolute way.
They get power from it.
A sense of superiority over everyone else in the world who don’t get it.
They like to see Prabhupada’s or their gurus teachings as Absolute. Like those of an infallible Pope.
Even though Prabhupada often spoke in a relative and sometimes contradictory way. He joked, used allegory, metaphor, speculation, personal opinions to explain things.
Like every other human being and guru too.
But it’s easier for neophyte devotees to believe in an absolute, fundamental and literalist version of our philosophy.
Relative truths and symbolism are confusing for them. They can’t get their head around them.
Fundamentalism and literal interpretations don’t require too much thinking. It’s easier that way.
Though Prabhupada said he wanted free thinking followers.
So there is no harm in thinking, speculation, symbolism, analysis or even objection.
It’s not only acceptable but preferred. Within reason. Best not rock the boat.
We must believe because we really believe not just because we’ve been told to believe. That’s a cop out. It’s too easy. It doesn’t require much thought or intelligence.
Any weak minded or submissive person can do that. It’s a cult mentality. Only following orders and it’s used to recruit neophytes.
But there should come a time when we feel confident enough about our spiritual advancement that we can think for ourselves. That our relationship with Krishna is secure enough. Sometimes despite what gurus say.
It’s ok not to believe everything a guru says but accept most of what they say enough to still be a follower. And take guidance from other gurus too. Whatever makes sense to you.
Ultimately it’s our own personal spiritual journey.
Gurus can only help so far but can not do it for you."
"Visto que tanto o guru quanto o discípulo são indivíduos, naturalmente em alguns assuntos eles têm pontos de vista diferentes.
E obviamente você pode ir ao outro extremo e se desviar muito do guru.
Para navegar por isso, temos que distinguir entre princípios fundamentais que não podem ser alterados e detalhes que são variáveis.
Se o guru deseja controlar todos os detalhes da vida de um discípulo, isso é um problema.
Um guru maduro guia o discípulo de acordo com a natureza e capacidade do discípulo, sempre respeitando que um discípulo adulto não deve ser tratado como uma criança. Com respeito mútuo, o relacionamento irá muito bem."
"Since both the guru and the disciple are individuals, naturally in some matters they have different points of view.
And obviously you can go to the other extreme and deviate too much from the guru.
To navigate that, we have to distinguish between fundamental principles that can not be changed, and details that are variable.
If the guru wants to control all the details of a disciple's life, that is a problem.
A mature guru guides the disciple according to the nature and capacity of the disciple, always respecting that an adult disciple should not be treated as a child. With mutual respect the relationship will go very well."