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quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2021

Prabhupada Medicina Vacinas

 1 - Prabhupada accepted homeopathic and allopathic treatment later in life.

"Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Well, according to every physician that we've consulted, Ayurvedic and allopathic, they say that that's very much required. Is it painful to pass urine?

Prabhupāda: Sometimes."

(Room Conversation -- November 4, 1977, Vrndavana)

2 - "Rāmeśvara: Do you think that they will adopt Indian medicine over Western medicine, things like that? Because there has to be some varṇāśrama.

Prabhupāda: No, medicine, if it is actually medicine, it will be accepted. It doesn't matter whether it is Indian or Western. If it is medicine it will be accepted."

(Room Conversation -- January 21, 1977, Bhuvanesvara)

"Prabhupāda: Yes.

Rāmeśvara: So it's not that these...

Prabhupāda: We do not approve anything which is not actually beneficial. Otherwise it doesn't matter, homeopathic or allopathic. But there is standard medicine given by Dhanvantari."

(Room Conversation -- January 21, 1977, Bhuvanesvara)

But the point here is not homeopathic or allopathic medicine.

The point here is that Srila Prabhupada accepted medical treatment at the end of his life.

But this does not contradict his statement above.

In the Vedic Tradition the Sadhus try medical, allopathic or homeopathic, treatment. If none works then they simply abandon the treatment and then leave the body.

This is what Prabhupada did.

3 - Prabhupada was not against Science. Prabhupada was against scientists and doctors thinking that they can end diseases. But diseases will never end and others will always arise.

But this does not mean that a devotee should not seek medical treatment when necessary.

We're all going to be sick here. This is unavoidable. Aren't we going to seek medical treatment? Of course we will go.

"You may be proud that "We have invented medicine for cancer and...," but you cannot stop disease. That is not possible."

(Room Conversation -- January 21, 1977, Bhuvanesvara)

"Satsvarūpa: Well, they say there's been regular improvements, medicines...

Prabhupāda: What is that improvement?

Satsvarūpa: Medicines have done away with so many diseases.

Prabhupāda: What is that? Disease... Does it mean there is no disease? You die by this disease or that disease. What is the improvement?

Gurukṛpā: They say that people used to live much longer, that they live longer now.

Prabhupāda: So what is the use of living longer, a tree is living longer, five thousand years. Does it mean that it is important life? A tree is standing for seven thousand years. There is a tree in San Francisco."

(Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri)

But, if we don't trust "materialistic doctors, Karmis, demons", we can always turn to Vaisnava doctors.

The Bhaktivedanta Hospital and Research Institute is one of the best Hospitals in India !!!

Please browse the Bhaktivedanta Hospital website calmly and appreciate the wonderful work done by all these Vaisnava doctors and nurses.

Impressive !!!

All Vaisnava doctors. All Hare Krsna doctors and nurses, hundreds and hundreds of them in all specialties. See the link for specialties.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

In the specialty of Pediatrics, Bhaktivedanta Hospital has a vaccination clinic (BCG and others).

Bhaktivedanta Hospital has a branch in Mayapur.



When you are on the website by the computer, enter "Specialties & Services" and by the mobile phone, enter the bar with three dashes.

More than 40 specialties: neurology, ENT, ophthalmology, pediatrics, internal medicine, plastic surgery, yoga, acupuncture, ayurveda, radiology, oncology, homeopathy, infectious diseases, etc.

They develop a holistic work that combines allopathy, homeopathy, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

First class !!!

All specialties are managed by specialist doctors.

Ayurvedic medical specialists are Dr. Nanasaheb Memane, Dr. Sonal Memane and Dr. Priyanka Methe.

All with a degree of Ayurveda Vacaspati and Ayurveda Acarya.

The specialist doctors at the Vaccination Clinic are Dr. Ajay Sankhe, Dr. Samrat Mehta and Dr. Anuradha Joshi.

All doctors of Krsna !!!

Five stars !!!


This image has been used entirely out of context.

The whole conversation is about not being able to end diseases. Even with vaccines, other diseases will arise.

So Srila Prabhupada explains that scientists are "fools" because they think they can end all diseases. 
But this is not possible.

This is the context of the conversation. The conversation is not about not getting vaccines.

And at the end of the conversation, Srila Prabhupada explains that devotees use what scientists do.

"Prabhupāda: Your knowledge has not benefited you. OUR TAKING YOUR so-called science has benefited you because you are using it for Kṛṣṇa. You have worked so hard, so result is going to Kṛṣṇa. Hare Kṛṣṇa. We are making the best ... Just like there is chair, but we don't care for the chair. We can sit down. BUT IF IT IS AVAILABLE, WE DON'T REJECT IT. Therefore if you are making favor to me, you have made a chair and I am sitting there. Not that I require your chair; without your chair I will ..., shall die. That is not my policy. You rascal, you have done something; I'm using it for your benefit. That's all. "

This is the problem of taking ISOLATED QUOTES from Srila Prabhupada out of context.

The complete conversation:

Conversations and Morning Walks
1975 Hyderabad:

"Prabhupāda: That's all right. But that does not mean there will be no disease. That is already being done by many medical practitioners—better medicine. But where is the medicine that will not be disease?

Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Gradually we are eliminating, one by one, all the diseases.

Prabhupāda: No, that you have not done. No disease... You have increased diseases. You have stopped one disease and increased another. Not stopped, but you have increased another disease.

Devotee: We have to learn, though, how to prevent all these diseases.

Prabhupāda: Therefore you are fool. You have to learn. That means you have to learn, means you are fool.

Yaśodānandana: But we are learning.

Prabhupāda: Don't assert it, that you have done it already, you shall do it... As soon as you say, "We have to learn," that means you are fools. And why, you are student, why you are claiming all these perfections? You have to learn. That you have to learn from us.

Brahmānanda: Actually, when I was in Germany, there was evidence of how the scientists increased disease. They invented some vaccine to counteract influenza, and they injected all of Germany with this vaccine. But what happened is sometimes the body builds up resistance to these vaccines and produces another germ. So, as a result, another type of influenza was created, which was far more worse than the previous. It made people get fever for four and five days straight, 105 degrees.

Prabhupāda: That is the way of... They have discovered this streptomycin for tuberculosis, that if one takes too many injection of streptomycin, then it does not act.

Devotee: He becomes immune.

Prabhupāda: Yes.

Brahmānanda: So as a result of the vaccine, they created a worse type of influenza, and they have nothing to counteract that worse type. So now they have to invent another type.

Prabhupāda: These rascals give trouble to the people, especially in India. They are not after the vaccine. They will catch people and force them. Just see. This is going on. Boys and others are avoiding, they are going, going this way, that way. Sometimes they fall, they do not know, and capture and force. These rascals are creating havoc. Only to kick them on their face with shoes, that's all. The so-called scientists and biologists and... They do not know anything.

Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: You were saying that all the scientists are fools and rascals, but they may challenge, "How has your knowledge benefited you?"

Prabhupāda: Your knowledge has not benefited you. OUR TAKING YOUR so-called science has benefited you because you are using it for Kṛṣṇa. You have worked so hard, so result is going to Kṛṣṇa. Hare Kṛṣṇa. We are making the best... Just like there is chair, but we don't care for the chair. We can sit down. BUT IF IT IS AVAILABLE, WE DON'T REJECT IT. Therefore if you are making favor to me, you have made a chair and I am sitting there. Not that I require your chair; without your chair I will..., shall die. That is not my policy. You rascal, you have done something; I'm using it for your benefit. That's all."

Alguém pode perguntar porque usar máscara se já foi vacinado.

E isto é assim porque ainda só passou 1 ano da Pandemia.

Temos que ter paciência. 

Ao analisarmos a história das Pandemias mundiais, a maioria dura 2 a 3 anos no mínimo. E antigamente duravam muito mais.

Ainda temos mais 1 a 2 anos no mínimo para controlar a Pandemia. Não é erradicar. Porque um vírus dificilmente é erradicado. 

É como o vírus da Gripe. Não foi erradicado. Foi controlado. Todos os anos, pessoas com uma certa idade avançada devem ser vacinadas contra a gripe e  do Covid também vai ser anual.

Deixar de usar a máscara vai ser só quando a Pandemia estiver controlada daqui a 1, 2 anos. Quando quase todo mundo tenha sido vacinado.

Em relação a alguém dizer que apanhou Covid e isto não foi pior que uma gripe comum. No caso particular desta pessoa foi assim. Mas muitas não são.

Vacinas são testadas em células humanas (um aborto involuntário nos anos 70). Mas vacinas não contém traços de células humanas.


Someone may ask why to wear a mask if you have already been vaccinated.

And this is because it is only 1 year after the Pandemic has started.

We have to be patient.

When analyzing the history of the world Pandemics, most of them last at least 2 to 3 years. And in the past they lasted much longer.

We still have at least 1 to 2 more years to control the Pandemic. It is not to eradicate. Because a virus is hardly ever eradicated.

It's like the flu virus. It has not been eradicated. It was controlled. Every year, people of a certain advanced age should be vaccinated against the flu and Covid's will also be annual.

The person gets the flu shot. He/she is immune for a few months. Then lose immunity (viruses also change) and after 1 year have to take it again. Covid is the same.

Stop using the mask will only be when the Pandemic is under control in more 1, 2 years from now. When almost everyone has been vaccinated.

Regarding someone saying that they caught Covid and this was no worse than a common flu. In the particular case of this person it was so. But many are not.

Vaccines are tested on human cells (an involuntary abortion in the 1970s). But vaccines do not contain traces of human cells.

Shrestha Sinha Ray

Hare Krishna prabhu Dandavat pranam! Thank you for the facts..

I am a postdoc scientist in USA...

Fact no 4-I work with HEK293 cells in lab. They are extremely useful to test therapeutic drugs, vaccines etc before it is approved by FDA. None of the vaccines have the cells as it will never be approved by FDA if it contains any traces of human cells. 

The vaccines available so far have shown to give certain percentage efficacy or say in layman's term how effective immunity it can produce against coronavirus. How did the scientists come to know it is effective? 

They first tested the vaccine on human cells and animals, then went to clinical trial tested on human patients once they were sure it works well on human cells. That's the clinical procedure set by FDA. All the current vaccines give immunity as per their clinical trial. 

In USA we have seen several deaths due to the virus, hence it is better to have some immunity rather than none against the virus ( even if it shows mild effect on several, we are not 100% sure if we will also have the same mild disease without vaccine).

Some CDC facts abt the vaccines


Origin of hek293s


Please forgive me if I sound offensive

Saurabh Sharma

Virus are very difficult to deal with. 1) you can control it 2) You can eliminate it 3) You can eradicate it.
So far only one human virus has been eradicated and that is small pox virus.

We have eliminated several viruses from countries such as polio is eliminated from the US. It’s not eradicated but only eliminated as long the virus host exist in other parts of the world there are chances of its existence.

Most of the viruses are controlled such as flu vaccination.. every year they have to release a new shot to control influenza.

With Covid-19 vaccination the virologist are working towards the goal of trying to reach a stage to either control or eliminate it from as many countries as possible.

I agree to all of your research and it’s very important to be mindful irrespective of wether you have received a vaccination or undecided.

And yes all medicine you take as simple as paracetamol was first tested on Human cell lines (most from a donor) and followed by clinical trials on actual human subjects.

Good news is parallel attempts are being made to develop in vivo simulation models where we no longer use animal and humans for trials. But that’s a very lofty idea.

(Personally When it comes to COVID-19 I am following Dr Fauci - A man behind ADIS pandemic control)


Someone may ask why to wear a mask if you have already been vaccinated.

And this is because it is only 1 year after the Pandemic has started.

We have to be patient.

When analyzing the history of the world Pandemics, most of them last at least 2 to 3 years. And in the past they lasted much longer.

We still have at least 1 to 2 more years to control the Pandemic. It is not to eradicate. Because a virus is hardly ever eradicated.

It's like the flu virus. It has not been eradicated. It was controlled. Every year, people of a certain advanced age should be vaccinated against the flu and Covid's will also be annual.

The person gets the flu shot. He/she is immune for a few months. Then lose immunity (viruses also change) and after 1 year have to take it again. Covid is the same.

Stop using the mask will only be when the Pandemic is under control in more 1 to 2 years from now. When almost everyone has been vaccinated.

Regarding someone saying that they caught Covid and this was no worse than a common flu. In the particular case of this person it was so. But many are not.

Vaccines are tested on human cells (an involuntary abortion in the 1970s). But vaccines do not contain traces of human cells.
