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quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2013

Woman and Dream

"In general, according to their Prakriti, women will accept family life. But those who do not feel inclined should be encouraged to preach intensely as renounced devotees.

Furthermore, “Matajis” who have gone through family life and had raised her children, can and should concern itself actively in the preaching as renounced devotees." (Paramahamsa Prahladesh)

"Ya sea despierto o dormido, el devoto del Señor nunca puede dejar de pensar en el nombre, la forma, las cualidades y los pasatiempos de Kṛṣṇa." BG 1.24 No tiene pesadillas.

The dog is also sleeping on the side of a street without any difficulty and the king is sleeping on the palace, very nice apartment. A Krishna conscious person, he’s also sleeping. But there are different grades. The Krishna conscious person while sleeping, is chanting Hare Krishna. This can be done. If you practice this Hare Krishna, even in sleeping you’ll chant Hare Krishna. Everything depends on practice.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.2 — Boston, April 28, 1969

The gross body of the waking state, the subtle body of the dream state, both made of twenty-five tattvas, are verily of bindu's power. That power, permeating the soul, penetrates the states of waking and dreaming.

Tirumantiram 2187

Si, y en el mundo espiritual los PERFECTOS Sadhana Siddhas y Nitya Siddhas tienen pesadillas. Ahhh! Ta bien.
